Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Those Pennies Add Up!

In Carleton, Michigan, the St. Patrick Catholic School is now $10,000 richer because of the efforts of Andrew Niemi, a 10-year-old boy who attends the school. Niemi collected the 1 million pennies, from December 26, 2006 through March 17, 2008. I guess that just goes to show you that every little bit counts. With that said, I am still not convinced that Bank of America's Keep the Change program is the right way to "save." This program merely rounds up the amount of your purchases to the nearest dollar and transfers that rounding amount to your savings account. Instead of being "new found money," you are actually paying for it. Rather, what I glean from this story is that instead of not caring about money found on the floor or about the loose change in the couch, every little bit counts and should be considered valuable.

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