Monday, July 21, 2008

Watching TV Without Watching TV

Okay, so I realize with almost every household either have a TIVO, DVR, or VCR, missing a television show is becoming a harder and harder task. However, it still happens. Or maybe, you really want to know who is kicked off of Big Brother, without fast forwarding to the last 2 minutes of the show. Regardless of the reason, you definitly do not want to be the last person to know what happened on the most popular show amongst your friends. I have stumbled upon a website that I just had to mention. Television Without Pity is a website that has television, reviews, recaps, and even forums to discuss the shows you love. I have personally used it when I wanted to catch up on what happened while I was on vacation. (Speaking of which, vacation was great and I will probably be writing about it sometime soon.) But I understand if you do not want to spoil a television show, so they also have a link to Movies Without Pity, which you guessed it, discusses movies. So check out the website, and let me know what you think. :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Countries that Begin with K?

So my wife and I were playing Scattergories this past weekend with some of our good friends and the letter for the list was K. For those of you that have not played Scattergories before, each round you have find or creatively think of words that fit within specified categories that begin with the letter that was rolled on a die. So, while we were playing, the letter was K and the category was countries. So, that got me to thinking, how many countries actually begin with K. So I just started thinking and here are the countries that I came up with:

* Kazakhstan
* Kenya
* Kiribati (I only know this because I really want to visit Australia)
* Kosovo
* Kuwait
* Kyrgyzstan

I'm not sure if North Korea and South Korea would count. Can anyone think of any other country name?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How To Have a Pool Party Without Having a Pool

So I know this is illegal, but I do have to give credit to the originators of this idea. As I am sure most of us have realized, Google will eventually take over the world. Okay, so maybe I am joking, but really they have seemed to conquer whatever area of business they have decided to enter. Well now, some teenagers in England are using Google's dominance to their advantage.

One of Google's first projects in the map navigating business was Google Earth. If you have never tried it, I highly encourage you to do so. It does require a download but the pictures that you can see are quite neat and best of all, it is free. So back to the story. So what these teenagers are doing is using Google Earth to find nearby houses that have pools at them, and they are telling all of their friends to show up at that house for a party. Because none of the invitors or the invitees live at these houses, guests are highly encouraged to come in a costume so they cannot be identified and come via bike, so they can make a quick get away. While I would not like to be one of these home owners who either finds beer cans around their pool or is awakened by a party, I do have to give these teenagers credit. Maybe if they cause such a commotion, the community would consider providing a pool for them to have their parties. I am not sure about you, but I think the pool situation in Virginia is absolutely crazy. We "signed up" for a nearby pool, but it has a 5 year wait. If that is not the craziest thing, what is?