Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Searching for Women to Eat Chocolate Every Day!

So, as one of my New Year's resolutions I decided to lose weight. With that in mind, I usually read all these "interesting" health articles and came accross one that I wanted to share. On Monday, CNN reported that for medical research purposes, United Kingdom scientists are trying to find 150 women to eat chocolate every day. I found this statemetnt very troubling. Are scientists in the UK having difficulty in finding women that want to eat chocolate? I understand that the study puts limitations on the participants, namely that they "must be postmenopausal women under the age of 70," but is it really that difficult? The purpose of the study is to determine the impact, if any, that cocoa could have in cutting the risk of heart disease. After thinkning about this, my only question is why are they limiting it to women? I'm sure that men also suffer from type 2 diabetes, and I am also sure that some men would me more than willing to eat chocolate every day.

With chocolate and ice cream being today's posts, I have a feeling that this diet thing is really going to work out.

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