Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Free Gas If You Go To Church?

We have all heard the expression, a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, the First Baptist Church of Snellville, Georgia, believe the path to increased membership is through people’s wallet. So the church has created a creative advertising scheme where every time a newcomer or member attends a church event during a Sunday-to-Wednesday revival, they are entered into a raffle to win one of two $500 gas cards.

This promotion raises a few questions about the type of people that would show up. If people are attending the church event solely for the gas card, are they coming in with an open mind? Also, are participants required to attend the whole event? What if the participant is a doctor that is on call and now needs to leave? Is he entered into the raffle?

In addition to the superficial questions, there are a few deeper philosophical questions. If people are only going to be entered into the raffle and continue to go for that purpose, is the church in effect buying a person’s faith? While the idea of a raffle is not unique, I think this raffle crosses a line. Considering the monetary strains that the increasing gas prices have placed on individuals of all walks of life, I truly think this is an effort to buy a person’s faith. I understand that it could be viewed as an enticement to open the eyes of people. However, if that was the case, then members shouldn’t be entitled to enter the raffle. So let’s call it what it is, an effort to buy faith for a chance to win a $500 gas card. I will pass.

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