Monday, May 5, 2008

Humorous Weekend Stories

Every so often, I scour the Internet for stories that make me do a double take, and this weekend was no different. Now, I realize if I want to have a humorous read, I would visit The Onion, which if you haven’t visited before, I highly recommend it. They have all the best spin-off (i.e., partially-true) stories. With that said, the following four stories have been reported as true:

Lei Day – Friday was Lei Day in Hawaii and a group of individuals set out to set a Guinness World Record for the longest lei. When the group was finished worked on the lei, it totaled 5,335 feet in length.

Prison Time for Sharing – We have all been told sharing is a good thing. But for a man in Ohio, he may be sent to prison for sharing his Little Debbie snack cake with an inmate who was on restriction and therefore, not allowed access to snacks. County prosecutors are asking a judge to put the man in prison for nine months.

The Aliens Are Coming – A Denver resident has asked the city to form a commission to deal with the preparations necessary for the arrival of space aliens and there continuous presence on Earth. The proposal for a commission will be discussed at an official meeting.

The Horse Knows the Way Home – I’m sure we all remember the song “Over the River and Through the Woods.” For those who doubt that “[t]he horse know[s] the way to carry the sleigh . . .,” this story is for you. In New York City this past weekend, a Police patrol horse (“Aldo”) was spooked by traffic noise, bucked his rider off him, and took off. Aldo managed to find his way to the stable, which was about eight blocks away. If the horse could make it eight New York City blocks, why couldn’t it make it to Grandma’s House?

If you think I missed anything, please share!

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