Monday, May 19, 2008

Stupid Thieves or Stupid Community?

So I have read two different articles recently that led me to ask this important question. Are thieves getting stupider or are we as a society just missing a few screws?

The first story comes from La Crosse, Wisconsin, where thieves stole a 6-foot-tall, 2,000 pound anchor. The best part of the story is that no one noticed. The anchor used to be mounted outside the Naval Reservist Station, but no one is sure if it has been there since December 31, 2007. This story raised a few questions. One, how do you not notice that a huge anchor is missing? Two, what in the world would thieves do with a 2,000 pound anchor? Third, are you kidding me?

The second story comes from Sydney, Australia, where a robber was polite enough to wait his turn in a queue before holding up the post office. While waiting in line, no one suspected that a robbery would be happening soon, because the robber was very polite. Once it was his turn, however, he overpowered the employee and stole some money. While making his getaway, he left behind some of the money, as well as his knife that he used to hold up the post office. This story is more perplexing than the first. If you are going to rob a store, why would you be so polite before hand? Did the robber’s parents teach manners but not “thou shall not rob?”

So what are your thoughts? Are crooks getting stupider or is are community really sinking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The anchor may have been copper, and worth a decent amount as scrap metal. It is not common, but some large anchors as well as screws (the large propellers on ships) were made of copper to resist corrosion.